The mirror has a tacit understanding, and the intention is corresponding to the heart. The gift and the receipt will be kept in mind. The received will be put in the bag every day for makeup and makeup. It is very difficult to make the other party forget who gave it to her. It is difficult, especially in festivals, it can create a very good emotional atmosphere. If it is a customized makeup mirror, it is even more meaningful.
To create a satisfying makeup look, you must first understand the best and most beautiful parts of your face. Looking in the mirror is the best way to know yourself. You can use an ordinary mirror, or choose a professional makeup mirror if you are particular about it. The ideal vanity mirror would be similar to a theater vanity mirror, with a mirror surrounded by incandescent light bulbs: bulbs under the mirror create unnatural light on the face, and the resulting heat can also adversely affect makeup and should be avoided. In addition, it is best to add a dimmer or a light-making device to the makeup mirror, so that you can see the makeup effect and color change of different lighting intensities in the mirror.
If you don’t wear makeup often, you can choose a rotating double-sided table mirror with normal and magnified displays. If your room uses fluorescent lamps, you can add a small incandescent lamp beside the table to balance it out. Fluorescent lamps are cold light sources. Under this light source, the makeup will appear stiff and soft.
When choosing a mirror, you should pay attention to the flatness of the mirror surface, whether there are bubbles, whether there are waves on the side, and whether the thickness of the glass is uniform, because when the mirror surface is not flat, the relative position of the reflected light will change, and the image will be distorted. In addition, it is best not to choose those mirrors that make you look thinner, but to choose the ones that can best reflect your appearance, because makeup is more for others to see than for yourself in the mirror. When looking in the mirror, take 5 minutes to carefully observe your facial features. It is recommended that you observe yourself in the mirror with the eyes of research, and find many advantages and defects on your face that you have not noticed.
Generally speaking, what attracts most attention to a woman is the eyes, and the second is the lips. If you say that your eyes and lips have no advantages, you can analyze whether your face shape has some advantages, such as cheekbones and eyebrows. etc.
Weixin crafts custom make-up mirror, and you are the most beautiful self. You can customize your most satisfactory make-up mirror according to your own preferences.